
I don’t want you to think I’m being a paranoid conspiracy theorist… but give me a second and I’ll probably sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Netflix CEO Reed Hasting was asked about the competition from from Amazon and HBO, which have both become heavy hitters in online video content. Amazon’s studio won 3 Oscars for its film “Manchester by the Sea.” Also, HBO consistently puts out quality content and has millions of viewers. YouTube is still the king of online videos with around 1 billion daily viewers.

Hastings isn’t worried about any of that. But every company has to watch out for competition from somewhere. So, what is Hastings worried about? Sleep. He said this, “When viewers get addicted to a Netflix show, you stay up late at night,” he said. “We are really competing with sleep on the margin.”

Read between the lines here: Netflix wants to control your life! They literally aim to absorb every possible free moment you have. You have to work, you have to eat, but sleep? Well, you could sleep less. Watch more Netflix. Get addicted.

Netflix is like a corporate drug kingpin. If they can get you addicted, then you’ll keep coming back. They’re not interested in the quality of your life. They’re interested in making sure you’re addicted to the Netflix-Crack.

It’s good to be a little paranoid. It’s good to think there might be a conspiracy. Because there is!

So, indulge the paranoid conspiracy theorist in me. They’re coming for your brain! They’re using their machines to suck out your soul! They have ray guys to turn you into zombies!

Am I joking? Maybe a little. But when that ray gun actually hits the market, you better give this paranoid conspiracy theorist some props.

Here’s the article:

